Install MetaMask Estimated reading: 3 minutes 6239 views MetaMask is available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Brave, as well as a mobile application for iOS or Android devices.Learn more about MetaMask and its features. Browser Extension Chrome Navigate to the Chrome Web StoreUse the search bar to find MetaMask, then click on “Add to Chrome”In the pop-up window, click on “Add extension” to install the MetaMask extension Firefox Navigate to the Mozilla Firefox Add-ons store Use the search bar to find MetaMask, then click on “Add to Firefox”In the pop-up window, click on “Add” to install the MetaMask extension Edge Navigate to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons store Use the search bar to find MetaMask, then click on “Get”In the pop-up window, click on “Add Extension” to install the MetaMask extension Brave Navigate to the Chrome Web Store Use the search bar to find MetaMask, then click on “Add to Brave”In the pop-up window, click on “Add extension” to install the MetaMask extension Mobile App iOS Open the App Store on your iOS deviceSearch for the MetaMask app, then click on “Get” to download itWait for the app to download, then click on “Open” Android Open the Google Play Store on your Android deviceSearch for the MetaMask app, then click on “Install” to download itWait for the app to download, then click on “Open” See alsoHow to set up a MetaMask walletHow to connect MetaMaskHow to add USDC to MetaMaskHow to purchase USDC directly on MetaMask Wallet - Previous Recommended Wallets Next - Wallet Set Up a MetaMask Wallet